Graduate Directory

- Title
- PhD Student
- Division Graduate Studies Division
- Department
- History of Consciousness Department
- Mail Stop History Of Consciousness
Research Interests
My tentative project focuses on the political thought of Pier Paolo Pasolini and makes two key arguments. First, I argue that Pasolini should be read as a political theorist who charts a non-reactionary course through anti-progressive politics. Second, where other thinkers have found only resignation and pessimism, I argue that Pasolini’s late work opens onto a revolutionary and anti-progressive hope that orients itself toward redemption of the past. So far I have read Pasolini in concert with Walter Benjamin, Franz Kafka, and Bertolt Brecht. I see this project expanding along three lines of inquiry: first, the Italian left of the mid 20th century and wider Marxist and communist traditions; second, queer theory and anti-progressive visions of sexual liberation; third, political theology and theology (particularly with regard to messianism and hope).
Selected Publications
"Who Cares for Care Workers? Review of Premilla Nadasen's Care: The Highest Stage of Capitalism." Theory & Event, vol. 27 no. 3, 2024.