Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add the Minor?

In order to add the History of Consciousness (HISC) Minor, you must first have a Major declared - we are unable to assign you the HistCon minor until you have a major. So first and foremost, check with your college counselor to ensure that major declaration has been completed.

After you have confirmed you have a major declared, please visit our Declaring the Minor page


I’ve taken a number of courses that feel like they fit within the History of Consciousness umbrella, is there any way to substitute some of the Minor Requirements with these courses?

You are in fact able to substitute ONE and only ONE course for the Minor Requirements. 


What if the course(s) I want to substitute is not a pre-approved HISC minor affiliate course? 

You have the option of adding courses by petition. Please keep in mind that we are only able to apply 1 substitution towards the completion of your Minor Requirements.


I’m graduating in a few quarters, can I still apply to the Minor?

So long as you're able to complete the UG Minor requirements by your graduation date, you should be able to complete the minor. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the minor requirements before reaching out to declare.

I’m a transfer student and feel as though the courses I’ve taken prior to my entry speak directly to the HISC minor, is there any way to get an exception for course substitutions?

Unfortunately, at this time, our department is unable to accommodate more than one course substitution towards the completion of the Minor. While we understand the superfluous intersectionality of the department lends itself to cross-pollination across disciplines, it’s important to us that the majority of the courses counting towards the Minor be taken here with HistCon Faculty.


Please contact History of Consciousness Undergraduate Advising ( with any general questions.