Faculty Directory

- Pronouns he/him/his
- Title
- Professor
- Division Arts Division
- Department
- Film and Digital Media Department
- Affiliations History of Consciousness Department, History of Art/Visual Culture, Computational Media, Digital Arts and New Media, Science & Justice Research Center
- Phone 831-459-1497
- Website
- Office Location
- Digital Arts Research Center, 147
- Office Hours by appointment: Note that this term (winter 2025) I am quite flexible. If you'd like to meet, contact me via email (wsack@ucsc.edu) and suggest some dates and times that work for you.
- Mail Stop Film and Digital Media
- Mailing Address
- Film + Digital Media Department, Communications Building, Room 101
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Digital Arts, Digital Media, New Media, Science Studies, History of Science, Philosophy of Science, Software, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Democracy
Research Interests
media theory; history and philosophy of science and technology; history of the humanities and the liberal arts; science and technology studies; software studies; software design; digital studies
Biography, Education and Training
Warren Sack is a media theorist, software designer, and artist whose work explores theories and designs for online public space and public discussion. He is Professor and has been Chair and earlier Director of Graduate Studies of Film + Digital Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz where he teaches digital arts and digital studies. He has also served as Director of the Digital Arts & New Media MFA program. He was primary supervisor for 23 MFA students and a thesis committee member for 13 others. He has been the primary supervisor or co-supervisor for 8 PhD students. Some are now faculty at, for example, the University of Lethbridge, Alberta Canada; The New School, New York City; Wesleyan University; and the Australian National University; others are researchers in tech at, for instance, Google. He has been a member of the dissertation committee for 14 other PhD students. He currently sits on another 5 dissertations committees and advises 2 PhD students. He has been a visiting professor in France at Sciences Po, the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme, and Télécom ParisTech. His artwork has been exhibited by SFMoMA (San Francisco), the Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), the New Museum of Contemporary Art (New York), the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), and the ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany). His scholarship and research has been supported by the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Sunlight Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. Warren received his PhD from the MIT Media Lab and was an undergraduate at Yale College. He published a book with MIT Press in the "Software Studies" series: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/software-arts
Honors, Awards and Grants
Fall 2016 Fellow, Paris Institute for Advanced Study, Paris, France
Fall 2015 Fellow, Paris Institute for Advanced Study, Paris, France
2012 - 2013 American Council of Learned Societies, Digital Innovation Fellowship
1997 - 1998 Interval Fellowship awarded by Interval Research Corporation and the MIT Media Laboratory
1994 - 1995 AT&T Media Laboratory Fellowship awarded by AT&T and the MIT Media Laboratory
1992 - 1993 J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the Netherlands America Commission for Educational Exchange (declined)
1988 - 1989 Chateaubriand Scholarship for the Exact Sciences, Engineering and Medicine awarded by the French Embassy to the United States
2012 - 2015 Co-Principal Investigator, Sri Kurniawan (PI), Steve Whittaker, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Michael Mateas, Warren Sack (co-PIs), National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation Program, Division of Computer and Network Systems, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Acquisition of a FLEX Reconfigurable Multi-user Immersive Visualization System, Award ID: 1229786 $300,000
2011 Co-Principal Investigator, with Chris Wilmers, Academic Senate COR Special Research Grant, UC Santa Cruz, Carnivore Cam: Practicing Citizen Science with Interactive Online Games $5,000
2009 - 2011 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Human-Centered Computing Program, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Peer Review for Scientific Testimony, Award ID: 0916292 $387,400
2004 - 2010 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Digital Society and Technologies Program Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Interface and Search Engine for Deliberation Award ID: 0416353 $299,937
2008 - 2009 Principal Investigator, with Michael Dale and Abram Stern, Sunlight Foundation, Metavid 2.0: Animating an Architecture of Participation $164,000
2008 Principal Investigator, Arts Research Institute, UC Santa Cruz, An Art of Participation $8,300
2007 - 2008 Principal Investigator, Sunlight Foundation, Metavid: An open, online platform for indexing, archiving, and sharing video archives of public domain, U.S. House and Senate proceedings With Michael Dale and Abram Stern $157,000
Selected Publications
book chapter: "Interrogative Software Design," in Interrogative Design, Krzysztof Wodiczko and Ian Wojtowicz, editors (MIT Press, forthcoming)
book chapter: "Interrogative Design and Cultural Prosthetics: A Seminar," in Interrogative Design, Krzysztof Wodiczko and Ian Wojtowicz, editors (MIT Press, forthcoming)
book chapter: "Learning to Program" in Learning under Algorithmic Conditions: A critical compilation. Matthew Curinga, Elizabeth de Freitas, Ezekiel Dixon-Román, Taylor Webb, editors (University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming)
journal article: dialogue: with Jennifer González, "Response to a Questionnaire on Art and Machine Learning," October journal (MIT Press, forthcoming)
review: "Code, Capital and Culture: A Review of Brian Lennon, Programming Language Cultures: Automating Automation (Stanford University Press, 2024), Computational Culture: a journal of software studies, Issue 10 (forthcoming)
review: "Object Lessons: A Review of Jacob Gaboury’s ‘Image Objects: An Archaeology of Computer Graphics’," Computational Culture: a journal of software studies, Issue 9 (July 2023)
review: "A Matter of Interpretation: A review of ‘Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (JavaScript Edition)’," Computational Culture: a journal of software studies, Issue 9 (July 2023)
book chapter: "AI: Ein andere Intelligenz: Artificial Institutions and Narrative Intelligence," in Expanding Spatial Narratives, edited by German A. Duarte, Giulia Cordin, Davide T. Ferrando (Milan, Italy: Mousse Publishing, 2022)
conference paper: "Interactive Storytelling and the Paradox of Democracy," in Mirjam Vossmer and Lissa Holloway-Attaway (eds.), 15th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), University of California, Santa Cruz, Springer, December 4-7, 2022
conference paper: "Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Computer Program, Their Uses and Abuses," HaPoP 2022 Fifth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming, Lille, France, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société, June 13, 2022
book chapter: interview: with Megan Boler, Wendy Chun, Elizabeth Davis, and Sarah Sharma, “Beyond Behaviorism and Black Boxes: The Future of Media Theory Interview,” in Affective Politics of Digital Media: Propaganda by Other Means, Megan Boler and Elizabeth Davis, editors (New York: Routledge, 2020)
journal article: dialogue: "Conditions: Warren Sack in conversation with Jenny Reardon and Bonnie Honig," special issue on Hannah Arendt (Nick Gamso, editor), World Records, vol 4, article 10. (Fall 2020)
book:The Software Arts (MIT Press, 2019)
book chapter: “Langages de travail et langages machine,” in La vérité du numérique: Recherche et enseignement supérieur à l’ère des technologies numériques, Bernard Stiegler, editor (Paris, France: FYP editions, 2018)
journal article: dialogue: “Out of Bounds: Language limits, language planning, and the definition of distance in the new spaces of linguistic capitalism,” Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies, Issue 6 (November 2017)
book chapter: “Image, nombre, programme, langage,” in Digital Studies: Organologie des saviors et technologies de la connaissance, Bernard Stiegler, editor (Paris, France: FYP éditions, 2014)
journal article: “Une Machine a Raconter des Histoires: De Propp aux Software Studies,” in Les Temps Modernes. Year 68 No. 676. (novembre-décembre 2013)
Selected Presentations
Oct 28 2023 "Computation and the operations of work," in the panel "Working in, with and against the machines: historic trajectories of automation," Society for the History of Technology Annual Conference, Long Angeles, CA
Oct 13 2023 "Minatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Software, Their Uses and Abuses," Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), invited by Henry Lieberman
Jul 19 2023 "Media theory, the history of computation, and the operations of work," Research group on digitalization and robotization of society (DIGIKULT), Humanities Division, Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, invited by Roger Søraa and Margrethe Aune
Jul 5 2023 "Playing Games With Machines, for the Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel : Séminaire préparatoire (Jeux, gestes et savoirs), École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, France, invited by Vincent Puig
Jun 27 2023 "Minatures, Demos and Artworks," for the "Useful Fictions" arts-design-sciences summer school, La Chaire arts & sciences de l'École polytechnique, de l'École des Arts Décoratifs-PSL, École polytechnique, Paris, France, invited by Samuel Bianchini and Julie Sauret
Dec 5 2022 "Interactive Storytelling and the Paradox of Democracy," International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Santa Cruz, CA
Jun 14 2022 Respondent, "Spring workshop III: What is a computer program? Final conference," PROGRAMme: ANR project: What is a (computer) program? Historical and philosophical perspectives, PI: Liesbeth De Mol, CNRS/UMR 8163 Savoirs, Textes, Langage, Université de Lille, France
Jun 13 2022 "Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Computer Program, Their Uses and Abuses," HaPoP 2022 Fifth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming, Lille, France, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société
Apr 25 2022 ""Miniatures, demos and artworks: Three kind of Software, their Uses and Abuses," presented at the Media Arts & Technology Seminar Series, College of Engineering and the College of Letters and Science, UC Santa Barbara, invited by Enrica Lovaglio Costello
Feb 25 2022 "Autocompletion, Grammar and the Computational Episteme," Distance and Proximity Seminar #33, invited by Weihong Bao (UC Berkeley), Peter Bloom (UC Santa Barbara), and Erkki Huhtamo (UCLA)
Nov 15 2021 "Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Software, Their Uses and Abuses," Computational Media Department Seminar Series, UCSC, invited by Kyle Gonzalez
Oct 12 2021 "The Software Arts: Language," presented to G.A.I.A. (Arts and Artificial Intelligence Group), University of São Paulo, Brazil, invited by Bruno Moreschi and Gabriel Lemos
Oct 9 2021 "Aesthetics as a Technical Controversy for Artificial Intelligence," Panel: The Code of Beauty: How Aesthetics Shape and Structure Technosciences, Marina Fedorova, Paul Dourish, and Melissa Mazmanian (co-chairs), Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting
Sep 1 2021 "The Software Arts," Leonardo Art and Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, invited by Piero Scaruffi
Jun 21 2021 "Which Democracy for the Web?" Workshop: Web and Philosophy (PHILOWEB) 2021: A Decade Retrospective, Harry Halpin and Alexandre Monnin (co-chairs), 13th ACM Web Science Conference, Globalisation, Inclusion and the Web in the Context of COVID, University of Southhampton, UK
May 27 2021 "Miniatures, Demos and Artworks: Three Kinds of Software, Their Uses and Abuses," "The Future of Software Series," IBM Research Global Technology Outlook Seminar, invited by Grady Booch, Ulisses Mello and Hui Wu
May 13 2021 "AI: Die andere Intelligenz: Artificial Institutions and Narrative Intelligence," Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, invited by Duarte Penaranda German Andres
Apr 20 2021 Panelist, "Weaponized Media: politics of affect & propaganda," University of Toronto, invited by Megan Boler
Oct 6 2020 "The Software Arts," presented at The Internet Studies Center Lecture Series, Department of Copmputer Sciences, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, invited by Dustin O'Hara
Jun 3 2020 “A History of the Demo and a Future for the Essay,” presented at the Data Then and Now Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, invited by Anissa Tanweer and David Ribes
Apr 13 2020 “The Arts at the Center of Software’s Evolution” Prof and a Pint Lecture Series [now Slugs and Steins: Lectures from UC Santa Cruz], UCSC Alumni Council, San Jose, CA, invited by David B. Hansen
Dec 5 2019 “The Software Arts,” presented at the Media Studies Department, Scripps College, Claremont, CA, invited by Carlin Wing and Anne Harley
Nov 21 2019 “A History of the Demo and a Future for the Essay,” presented at the Film & Media Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley, invited by Jacob Gaboury and Jeffrey Skoller
Oct 24 2019 Keynote Address: “The Software Arts” (Keynote Address), presented at SPLASH 2019 (ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity), Athens, Greece
Sep 13 2019 “The Software Arts,” presented at the Department of Art and Media Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, invited by Margrethe Aune, Jan-Noël Thon, and Nina Lager Vestberg
Sep 11 2019 “The Software Arts,” presented at the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, invited by Winnie Soon
Sep 10 2019 “The Software Arts,” presented at the Center for Computer Games Research, Digital Design Department, Information Technology University Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, invited by Espen Aarseth
Sep 9 2019 “The Software Arts,” presented at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, invited by Scott Rettberg
Sep 6 2019 Discussant for the roundtable “Digital STS,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Sep 4 2019 “Against Algorithm,” for the panel “The Social Life of Algorithms,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Jun 9 2019 Workshop organizer and presenter (Software Studies), professionalization workshop discussant and facilitator, Thirteenth Annual California Science Technology and Society Summer Camp, NatureBridge, Marin Headlands, Professor Joseph Dumit (UC Davis)
May 1 2019 “Computation and Conversation,” presented at the Transformations of the Human Colloquium, Berggruen Institute, Los Angeles, CA, invited by Nils Gilman and Tobias Rees
Mar 27 2019 “The Software Arts,” presented at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, invited by Shin Mizukoshi
Oct 18 2018 “The Software Arts,” presented at the Center for Experimental Humanities, New York University, invited by Elaine Gan
Mar 5 2018 “The Software Arts,” presented at the Visual and Media Cultures Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz
Mar 1 2018 “The Software Arts,” presented at the History and Theory of New Media Colloquium, UC Berkeley, invited by David Bates
Dec 7 2017 “Artificial Stupidity,” presented at the Digital Studies Seminar, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, 7 December 2017, invited by Bernard Stiegler and Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab); also presented at Les Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2017: Bêtise et intelligence artificielles, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, invited by Bernard Stiegler
Nov 14 2017 “HOXs: Histories of Software Systems, Textbooks, Translations and Miniatures” for the “First Workshop on the History of Expressive Systems,” International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal,
Oct 19 2017 with David Bates (UC Berkeley), Yuk Hui (Center for Digital Cultures, Leuphana, Germany), and Luciana Parisi (Goldsmiths College, London, UK) “Roundtable Discussion: Between the Digital and the Political: New Ecologies of Mind,” presented at the Visual and Media Cultures Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz
Oct 17 2017 with David Bates (UC Berkeley), Yuk Hui (Center for Digital Cultures, Leuphana, Germany), and Luciana Parisi (Goldsmiths College, London, UK) “Roundtable Discussion: Between the Digital and the Political: New Ecologies of Mind,” presented at the History and Theory of New Media Colloquium, UC Berkeley, invited by David Bates
May 15 2017 “Machines,” Conjuncture / Crisis / Critique: A Symposium on Cultural Studies, Center for Cultural Studies, UC Santa Cruz
Nov 22 2016 “Decoding Digital Democracy,” Séminaire interne de l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris, invited by Simon Luck
Nov 18 2016 Discussant, Interfaces de programmation abstraites: Journée d'étude EnsadLab: Reflective Interaction, intervenants: Sylvie Tissot (Esad Valence); Jonathan Tanant (EnsadLab Paris); Filipe Pais (EnsadLab); Oussama Mubarak (EnsadLab); Gilles Rouffineau (Esad); Annick Lantenois (Esad); Fabiola Hanna (UCSC); Dominique Cunin (EnsadLab et Esad), coordonné par Dominique Cunin
Oct 26 2016 Session chair for keynote speaker, Bernard Stiegler: “There is no immateriality. The function of arts in the process of exosomatisation” at the 5th Computer Art Congress: Archiving and Questioning Materiality, Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris Nord, St. Denis, France
Mar 30 2016 “Out of Bounds: Language Limits, Language Planning, and Linguistic Capitalism“ for the panel “Toward a Geographical Software Studies,” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Dec 4 2015 “Taking Steve Jobs Seriously: Innovation and the Liberal Arts,” for the panel “Manufacturing innovating and participating citizens,” Participating in Innovation, Innovating in Participation, i3: Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation, Institut Mines-Télécom
Dec 2 2015 “Ada Lovelace: Turning Numbers into Language,” A Roundtable Discussion Celebrating Ada Lovelace (with Anne Baillot, Humboldt University, Berlin; Nachum Dershowitz, Tel Aviv University; Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, U. de Paris VI, Pierre et Marie Curie; and Helene Kirschner INRIA), l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris, December 2, 2015, invited by Gretty Mirdal
Nov 18 2015 “Code and Critical Theory,” for the panel “Theories Workshop,” The Digital Subject Conference 4: Codes, University of Paris 8, France
Nov 11 2015 with Karl Mendonca, “Building a Network: Infrastructure or Platform?”, for the panel “Cage fight: infrastructure studies vs. platform studies,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
Nov 5 2015 Workshop co-organizer (with Nachum Dershowitz, Tel Aviv University), “Software and the Digital Humanities,” sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study, Paris, France
Oct 15 2015 “Work and Machine Languages,” L’Organogenesis : Pour un nouveau paradigme de recherché en art et design, L'EnsadLab, laboratoire de l’École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, le LabSIC, Laboratoire des sciences de l’information et de la communication de l’université Paris 13 et l’IRI, Institut de recherche et d’innovation du Centre Pompidou, PSL, Paris Sciences et Lettres, invited by Igor Galligo (EnsadLab/IRI), Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab), Everardo Reyes Garcia (Paris 8), and Bernard Stiegler (IRI)
Oct 13 2015 “The Software Arts,” Séminaire interne de l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris, invited by Simon Luck
Mar 31 2015 Participant, Google Philosophy of the Web Seminar, Googleplex, Mountain View, CA, invited by Peter Norvig (Google), Harry Halpin (MIT), David Bates (Berkeley)
Dec 5 2014 “Code and Critical Theory” presented at Les Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2014: La «Vérité» du Numerique: Recherche et enseignement supérieur à l’epoque des technologies numériques, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, invited by Bernard Stiegler
Dec 2 2014 “Language Limits: Signs beyond Semiotics,” in dialogue with Frédéric Kaplan (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), presented at the Digital Studies Seminar, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, invited by Bernard Stiegler
Nov 15 2014 “Mutual Recursion: What Happens When Politics Become Code?,” keynote address presented at Generating Knowledge and Building Democratic Power with Community-Based Research and Digital Media, UC Center for Collaborative Research for an Equitable California, UC Santa Cruz, invited by Ron Glass
Mar 6 2014 Introducer and discussant for the keynote presentation by Rebecca MacKinnon for Pan-Optics: Emerging Perspectives on Visual Privacy & Surveillance, CITRIS, UC Berkeley, invited by Kris Fallon
Feb 19 2014 “A Machine to Tell Stories: From Propp to Software Studies,” Center for Cultural Studies Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz, invited by Vanita Seth
Jan 31 2014 Respondent (with Francesco Panese, Joe Dumit, and Jim Griesemer) for a presentation by Hélène Mialet on her book “Hawking Incorporated: Stephen Hawking and the Anthropology of the Knowing Subject,” Center for Science and Innovation Studies and the Humanities Institute Research Cluster, “What does health mean today?” UC Davis, invited by Cristiana Giordano
Jan 28 2014 “Using Software (Art) to See the World,” Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER), UC Santa Cruz, 28 January 2014, invited by John Weber
Oct 25 2013 “JSON, it’s not just for data anymore: Prototyping languages in JS” at JS.Everywhere, Treasure Island, San Francisco
Oct 23 2013 Respondent (with David Bates) to presentations by N. Katherine Hayles and Bernard Stiegler, Creating Minds: Reading and Writing in the Digital Age, Berkeley Center for New Media, UC Berkeley, invited by David Bates
Sep 13 2013 “Mutual Recursion: What happens When Politics Becomes Code?,” Information Access Seminar, UC Berkeley, School of Information, September 13, 2013, Professors Michael Buckland and Clifford Lynch
Sep 12 2013 Panel moderator for “Navigating the Sea of Data Without Getting Lost” (speakers: Laurenellen McCann (Sunlight Foundation), Daniel Newman (MapLight), Matthew Scharpnick (Elefint Designs), Eric Cadora (Justice Mapping Center)) at Can “Open Data” Improve Democratic Governance?, UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies & CITRIS Data & Democracy Initiative, UC Berkeley, invited by Camille Crittenden
Jul 3 2013 Keynote address: “Data Visualization as Recursive Public Discourse,” Digital Methods Summer School 2013: On the challenges of studying social media data, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, invited by Richard Rogers
Jun 10 2013 “Image, Number, Language,” Séminaire INTERACT, Département Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Télécom Paris, Paris, France, invited by Christian Licoppe and Françoise Détienne
Jun 4 2013 Panelist with other contributors to a special issue of Art press 2 (Franck Cormerais, Sylvie Coellier, Boris Groys, Jacinto Lageira, Pau Walder, Richard Begin, Lev Manovitch, Patrice Maniglier, Dominique Moulon, Dominique Roland, Annick Bureaud, Gregory Chatonsky, Jean-Louis Déotte, Jean-Paul Fourmentreaux), Art in the Digital Age / L’art dans le tout numerique, Centre des Arts d'Enghien-les-Bains, France, invited by Norbert Hillaire and Catherine Millet
Jun 26 2013 Workshop organizer, “Software Studies in Paris,” co-sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies, Digital Innovation Fellowship; Department of Economic and Social Sciences, Télécom Paris; Médialab, Sciences Po; and, the Arts Research Institute, University of California, Santa Cruz
Apr 27 2013 Invited presenter, “Scripts: Institutions, Software or Not?,” Atelier Enquête sur les modes d’existence (EME): Organisation, Sciences Po, Paris, invited by Bruno Latour, François Cooren and Christophe Leclercque
Mar 22 2013 Panel moderator for “Thinking Infrastructure,” (speakers: Lisa Parks and Ganaele Langlois) at Habits of Living: Networked Affects, Glocal Effects, Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, invited by Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
Mar 12 2013 “Image, Number, Language,” Centre for Innovation and Social Process and the Digital Culture Unit, Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London, invited by Matthew Fuller and Noortje Marres
Feb 16 2013 “Formalism and the Machine: Vladimir Propp’s folktale morphology rewritten as a computer program,” presented at Les Formalismes Littéraires et Leurs Enjeux Philosophiques, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, invited by Marie Gil and Patrice Maniglier
Feb 8 2013 “Mutual Recursion: What happens When Politics Becomes Code?,” Sciences Po (Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris), invited by Bruno Latour
Jan 16 2013 “Peer to PCAST: What does open video have to do with open government?” presented at the SIGCHI Paris Seminar on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization, Télécom Paris, Paris, France, invited by Françoise Détienne
Dec 17 2012 “Image, Number, Language,” presented at Les Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2012: Digital Studies: Organology and Industrialization of Knowledge, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, invited by Bernard Stiegler
Jun 1 2012 Panelist with Jennifer Gonzàlez, Carlos Motta, Soraya Murray, and Peggy Weil for “Digital Art & Democracy: People, Places, Participation,” Arts Division, UC Santa Cruz, invited by Jennifer Gonzàlez
May 10 2012 “Software_Art && Software_Aesthetics,” presented at the Philosophy Department Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz, invited by Daniel Guevara
May 8 2012 Panel discussant for “Creating and Sustaining Trust,” (speakers: Malia Fullerton and Michael Kellen) at “Are You My Data?” a conference hosted by the Science & Justice Research Center, the UCSC Office of Research, and the UCSC Cancer Genomic Hub, UC Santa Cruz, invited by Jenny Reardon
Apr 26 2012 Panelist with Kevin Epps, Lissa Soep, D. Scot Miller, and Cecil Brown for “Emperor Ain't Got On No Clothes?,” for the Inclusion: Swinging and Flowing Conference, UC CITRIS and the Department of African American Studies, UC Berkeley, invited by Cecil Brown
Apr 13 2012 “Agonism, Art, and Politics” presented at “Conversation: Structures for Discord,” a roundtable with Steve Dietz, Carl DiSalvo, Marisa Jahn, Warren Sack, Mark Shepard as a part of Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, invited by Steve Dietz, Ashley Duffalo and Susy Bielak
Apr 13 2012 “Data & Democracy” presented at “Pecha Kucha: From the Table to the Streets,” as a part of Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, invited by Steve Dietz, Ashley Duffalo and Susy Bielak
Apr 13 2012 “Embodying Agonism” presented as an “Agonism Workshop,” as a part of Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, invited by Steve Dietz, Ashley Duffalo and Susy Bielak
Apr 12 - Apr 14 2012 Co-organizer with Steve Dietz, Ashley Duffalo, and Susy Bielak, Discourse and Discord: Architecture of Agonism from the Kitchen Table to the City Street: A Public Symposium co-presented with NorthernLights.mn,” Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
Apr 10 2012 “Software_Art && Software_Aesthetics,” presented at the Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, invited by Ellen Frances Rooney
Selected Exhibitions
2015 Permanent collection: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
2013 Impakt Festival: Capitalism Catch 22, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2010 Process is Paradigm. LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Center, Asturias, Spain
2009 Scalable Relations. Beall Center for Art + Technology, University of California, Irvine
2008-2009 The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
2008 Gaming. Boehm Trade Center, Düsseldorf, Germany / Osaka, Japan
2005 Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy. ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
2005 Rhizome ArtBase 101. The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York City
2004-2005 Database Imaginary. Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, Alberta, Canada
2003 When Latitudes Become Forms: Translocations. Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
Teaching Interests
history, theory and criticism of media and technology; design, production, and critique of media art