Differences Now Affiliated Faculty
Differences Now Affiliated Faculty
Anjali Arondekar
Feminist Studies (FMST), aarondek@ucsc.edu
South Asian Studies; Comparative Empires; Historiography; Feminist Theories; Queer Theory; Colonial/Postcolonial Literatures; Critical Race Studies
Neda Atanasoski
FMST, natanaso@ucsc.edu
New media and visual culture in the U.S. and Eastern Europe; Theories of Postsocialism; The politics of race, religion and sexuality; Human rights and humanitarianism; Feminist and critical race theories.
Karen Barad
FMST, kbarad@ucsc.edu
Feminist Theory, Physics, Twentieth-century continental philosophy, Epistemology, Ontology, Philosophy of Physics, Cultural studies of science, and Feminist science studies.
Martin Berger
History of Art and Visual Culture (HAVC), maberger@ucsc.edu
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. art; whiteness studies; critical race studies; visual studies
Christopher Chen
Literature (LIT), cche75@ucsc.edu
20th and 21st century African American literature and social movement history; Asian American literature; ethnic and gender identity formation in modern and contemporary US poetry; "racial capitalism" and comparative racialization
Vilashini Cooppan
LIT, vcooppan@ucsc.edu
Affiliated with South Asia Studies, Feminist Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies; network theory, postcolonial theory
Gina Dent
FMST(History of Consciousness, Legal Studies), ginadent@ucsc.edu
African diaspora literary and cultural studies; Critical Race Theory (legal); race, literature, and anthropology; colonial and postcolonial theories; popular culture and social theory; prisons and punishment
Jennifer Derr
History (HIS), jderr@ucsc.edu
Middle Eastern studies; environmental humanities; colonial/post-colonial studies; histories of science and of the body; comparative empires
Janette Dinishak
Philosophy (PHIL), jdinisha@ucsc.edu
Philosophy and history of psychology and psychiatry (especially autism), Wittgenstein, philosophy of mind, disability studies, and ethical theory
Jonathan Ellis
PHIL, jellis@ucsc.edu
Epistemology, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of mind, Wittgenstein, philosophy of education, and informal logic
Mayanthi Fernando
Anthropology (ANTH), mfernan3@ucsc.edu
Anthropology of Islam, politics and secularism, religion and gender/sexuality, modernity and difference, postcolonial Britain and France, anthropology of freedom, anthropology of Western Europe, multiculturalism
Deborah Gould
Sociology (SOCY), dbgould@ucsc.edu
Political emotion;social movements and contentious politics;affect theory;classical and contemporary social theory; lesbian/gay/queer studies; feminist and queer theory
Jennifer Gonzalez
HAVC, jag@ucsc.edu
Contemporary art in the U.S. and Europe, history of the museum, activist art since 1960, history of photography, theories of representation, feminist and critical race theory.
Herman Gray
SOCY, herman@ucsc.edu
Cultural Theory, Television and Media Studies, Black Cultural Politics, Critical Race Studies
Kimberly Jannarone
Theater Arts (THEA), Digital Arts and New Media (DANM), kmj@ucsc.edu
Dramatic literature and theory; Directing; French Arts and Literature; Theories of the Audience
Jonathan Kahana
Film and Digital Media(FDM), jkahana@ucsc.edu
Documentary film and media; film and politics; cultural and social theory; media publics; arts of historical reenactment; war and cultural memory; audio culture; disciplines of listening
Sharon Kinoshita
LIT, sakinosh@ucsc.edu
Postcolonial medievalism,Mediterranean Studies,the Global Middle Ages, Marco Polo
Kimberly Lau
LIT, lau@ucsc.edu
Feminist Theory and Gender Studies; Embodiment, Affect and Identity; Fairy tales, Folklore, and Fantasy; Virtual Worlds; Popular Culture; Discourse Analysis and Ethnographic Methods
Amy Lonetree
History (HIST), lonetree@ucsc.edu
Indigenous History, Museum Studies, Commemoration and Public Memory, Native American Cultural Production, Public History, and Ho-Chunk Tribal History
Tyrus Miller
LIT, tyrus@ucsc.edu
Modernist and avant-garde studies; critical theory; architecture and urbanism; aesthetic theory; socialist and post-socialist culture
Derek Conrad Murray
HAVC, dcmurray@ucsc.edu
History, theory and criticism of contemporary art and visual culture; African-American/Africa-Diaspora art and culture; Post-Black art and aesthetics; comparative approaches to identity and representation; critical race theory; feminist theories; queer theory
Soraya Murray
FDM, semurray@ucsc.edu
New media art, theory, and criticism; Visual culture including digital, film, video, and electronic games; Theories of technology and globalization; Media representations of technological and scientific advancement; Representations of otherness, migration, citizenship
Nico Orlandi
PHIL, norlandi@ucsc.edu
Philosophy of Mind, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Epistemology, Gender in Neuroscience
Juan Poblete
LIT, jpoblete@ucsc.edu
Latin(o) American literatures; transnational/global cultures (literature, radio, film); Latin(o) American cultural studies; 19th-century studies; the history of reading and cultural consumption practices
Catherine Ramirez
LALS, cathysue@ucsc.edu
United States cultural history, with a focus on immigration and assimilation; theories of citizenship; twentieth-century Mexican American history; Latino literature; comparative ethnic studies; feminist and gender studies; speculative fiction
Jenny Reardon
SOCY, reardon1@ucsc.edu
Science and Technology Studies, Sociology of Knowledge, Race and Difference, History of Science, Genomics
Danilyn Rutherford
ANTH, druther1@ucsc.edu
Current research: the stereotype of New Guinea as a Stone Age land. A close examination of expedition reports from the 1930s that document relations among Dutch officials, Papuans, and their technologies. Has also written on kinship, disability, and secular practices of belief in the United States. Future research will focus on speech therapy, normative notions of personhood, and the emergence of atypical communities of sign use
Daniel Selden
LIT, dlselden@sbcglobal.net
Classics, Egyptology, Hellenistic Literature, Mediterranean Studies, Poetics, Literary Theory, Philosophy, Opera, Film Studies, Reception Studies, Politics and Literature
Vanita Seth
Politics (POLI), vseth@ucsc.edu
Modern European thought, feminist, postcolonial and postmodernist theory, histories of racial discourse. Histories of modernity and histories of the body
Anna Tsing
ANTH, atsing@ucsc.edu
Environment, Southeast Asia, feminist anthropology
Yiman Wang
FDM, yw3@ucsc.edu
Film Theory and History, Silent Cinema, Star Studies, Transnational Chinese Cinema(s), East Asian Cultural Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Gender/feminist studies, Postcolonial Theory, Theories of Translation, Theories of Difference
Rasmus Winther
PHIL, rgw@ucsc.edu
Philosophy of science; philosophy of biology (genetics, evolution, development); critical race theory; Latin American Philosophy; American pragmatism
Matthew Wolf-Meyer
ANTH, mwolfmey@ucsc.edu
Science and Technology Studies, Medical Anthropology, Neuroscience and psychology, History of Medicine and Science, Continental Philosophy, Media Studies, Genre Fiction (particularly comic books and science fiction)